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About my works

I create based on the question “what is the nature of life ?" in my artwork. I represent and express the invisible forces that exist within life.

One example of this invisible force is the atmosphere that is created when a single human stands on an otherwise empty stage. I focus on the richness of the space created by the presence of living, breathing human beings rather than mannequins shaped like human forms. I seek to give form to this " invisible force" that revitalizes the space in which living organisms exist and express it through my artwork.

The circular shapes that frequently appear in my work symbolize not only living beings but also the presence of the deceased. This circular imagery is inspired by rocks, pebbles, and mineral crystals.

During my university years, I repeatedly observed and sketched these formations in my quest for expressive representations of life. Although minerals are generally recognized as inorganic matter, I sense a vitality resembling that of living organisms within them. Physically, they possess heat and store energy, supporting the essence of the Earth. Culturally, the idea of stone as a symbol of life is found throughout the world, and the relationship between stone and life is constantly reaffirmed in the human imagination.

Currently, I am incorporating more organic elements into the forms of rocks and stones, expressing them in rounded forms.

Wonder ground
Wonder ground | 2021 | h 35.8 × w 34.6” ( h 91 × w 88 cm)

The Indication or Beginning of Something
The Indication or Beginning of Something 「窟」 | 2015 | 20cm×26cm

The inspiration for my creative process begins with observing nature with great care. During my daily walks, I observe the conditions of trees, plants, sunlight, water reflections, wind, temperature, humidity, scents, and the reactions of my own body.

The branch- and thread-like forms that frequently appear in my recent works symbolize the “invisible force" that coexists with life. These forms are always seemingly accompanying living organisms, and I have continued to observe and gain insights into their existence throughout the seasons. Even in modest parks and around city trees, their presence can be discerned. The beauty found in seemingly ordinary city trees and dappled sunlight might stem from the fact that this “invisible force" breathes life into the landscapes we see.

Moreover, these forces undergo significant transformations depending on the seasons and climate, revealing various appearances. Its transformative qualities are reminiscent of slime molds.

In Japan, when the oppressive heat of summer subsides after September, these forces grow along tree branches, reaching out to us living beings and enveloping us. They resemble light, humidity, and temperature, as if they maintain the balance of life.

I express the relationship between this season's “invisible force" and the life through my series titled "Invisible Hand."

"Invisible hand 2023_1"
Invisible hand 2023_1「見えざる手 2023_1」| 2023 | h 22.4 × w 29.5” ( h 57 × w 75 cm)

Furthermore, as I delve into the essence of life, I also contemplate the enigmatic presence of the deceased. Since childhood, I have been unable to ignore the presence of the deceased lying among the layers of different eras. I cannot help but incorporate their presence into my artwork.

Over the past five years, I have drawn inspiration from various types of grave clusters and memorial stones, creating several works with the theme of the "gaze of the deceased."

When pondering the nature of the deceased, although they undeniably exist, I wondered if they do not communicate anything to us, the living. They seem to offer only a silent "gaze." It is not a 'gaze' that conveys any strong message or glares at us, it is profoundly tranquil, but rather a serene presence. And curiously, the gaze and sense of presence from the deceased convey a festive vitality while exuding tranquility.

One might mistakenly assume that by depicting tombstones or focusing on the deceased, I am creating works to commemorate them. However, that is not my intention at all. I simply aim to express their demeanor.

“Signal from South Island"
Signal from South Island 「南東からのシグナル」| 2021 | h 35.8 x w 48” ( h 91 x w 122 cm )

The dawn Shadow 「東雲の影」| 2022 | H 73 × W 67.2 cm

Instead, I hope that by depicting the dead, viewers can feel a celebratory vitality within the space of the artwork.

The sensations I explore are perhaps very primal. They are a recreation of landscapes I may have seen somewhere in my childhood. We forget a lot of feelings as we grow up.

We stop asking ourselves what we are afraid of, what makes us happy, or why we feel sad.

My creations serve as exercises to remember those sensations for me, and I hope that the textures, colors, and forms in my artwork can act as triggers for both the viewers and myself, allowing us to recall with those sensations.















私は、秋から冬にかけての気候の中で、この「見えない力」の形と生命の関係を「Invisible Hand」と名付けたシリーズで表現しています。









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